Fake News, Reviews, Comments and Posts

First time I came across this sort of thing was a few years back ... let me give you an example.

I set up a page and we'll call it ...

 "  The Dicks - D&D "

Now, D&D gets to be pretty popular for whatever reason...  so a few years ago, we setup a FB page for it.  Along the way we get 1,000.. then 2,000.. hell.. 5,000 'likes'.  Likes happen for a variety of reasons. Usually, as a page marker for people to come back to ; see it in their news-feed.  Some do it for the obvious reasons... they 'like it!' .. what a concept huh?  But to assume that represents 5k customers or fans... well, that's' just asinine.

Well, over time a disgruntled non-liker rolls in and makes a post pointing out... they aren't fans of D&D.  So, the admin deletes it.  Done. Gone. Poof.  Never happened (to the rest of the world).  Later on the disgruntled FB'er makes a comment on someone's post.  So, the admin deletes it.  Done. Gone. Poof!  Hell, you can 'BAN' that person and they can no longer do either.  Thousands of people may have an issue with D&D .. but ... to anyone rolling up all they see is the 5,000 likes and folks making nothing but positive comments.  Now, this D&D page also has a review section.   Less than 10 people make a quick review, give it a thumbs up ( used to be 5 stars) and ... lo and behold ...   D&D has a 5.0 rating!!  Forgot that the owner and the employees gave the outstanding reviews plus a few others.  But.. 5.0!  So to any outsider, looks all legit and they want to part with their funds for whatever service D&D is promoting.

Now... here's the part I can't explain.  Why didn't all those 'haters' post an honest review and give a thumbs down, when the had complaints? Right after they had a bad experience? I'm guessing it's basic human nature.  They don't mind a lil jab, or calling out BS on certain posts.. but ..a review... is permanent.  Still, why not?  It's an honest question.   Now, I've seen in the past where an honest negative review brought out the wrath of the page and it's followers.  So, maybe people just don't want the additional drama?  But it's still a valid question. At the same time, folks feel enabled after the first reviewer tells a story others can relate to.    I do know that admins can try and get them deleted by whining loud enough.  I know you can turn off the review section and they 'dissappear'.  Worst case... just start another FB page and un publish the prior?      No matter how one does it... the truth is hidden.  To most, everyone is in love with D&D, their product, the owners, the employees.   Folks .. that .. is Fake News on FB and how it's done

