Cruise with our motorcycles in the Caribbean

This Blog takes a turn.   Originally, it tied mainly to MN events.  After a fiasco on the high seas in early 2020, it's taken a different twist/focus 

ETA Motorcycle Cruises, LLC

In January of 2020, the Rick's (if you're new to this blog .. hence the R&R scattered throughout it) took a Cruise on Celebrity with ETA Motorcycle Cruises, LLC.   Overall a good time, but could have been epic had the owner not brought a lot of his own personal issues to bear.  Those issues caused a few 'bump's on the trip, and he continues to go on and on, referencing BS with his own spin on it.  So, I'll put some of that here moving forward, on this blog ..  Started with posts on my personal blog, but has kept growing.  Any moving forward, will be here on the Wolf Den Blog.  I thought this was 'done' after my reviews, until reading BS a short time after our cruise where the ownership slammed us .. and .. well .. any others that disagreed with them.

So, this all took on a life of it's own somewhat, and I've tracked it as best as possible to date.  Along the way, ETA closed it's doors.  Shutdown it's FB page.   Took down it's Web Server/page.  All that remains of it is a FB Group consisting of folks that have either forgotten they are even in it ...   folks watching the shit-show .. and .. a large quantity of sheep.   And the admins who delete anything and everything in it, that doesn't show them in a good light.  In other words, things get deleted in there... often.

 A hundred plus folks are now in their own FB Group telling their own stories, ones that would get deleted in the ETA group.  To me, it's mind boggling how ETA lasted as long as it did with a horrific safety record.  Horrific customer service.  But, now the blame is on the COVID-19 Pandemic.  No matter how you spin it, the LLC is gone.

My hope is that as of today (22 APR 2020), the BS is done.  The FB Group continues to grow and more crazy stories told (you can't make this stuff up!), but as I type this, I'm pretty sure specific blog posts about it all are ... done.  The truth is out there now.  How the hell they snuck through upwards of 20 years with only a couple of snippets of accidents out there, is beyond me.

CLICK on these links below to get to each topic 


As of Spring 2020 ..

ETA Motorcycle Cruises, LLC  : DEAD  : DEAD

@ETABikeCruises  :  DEAD

Steve Wallach : Still whining and bitching

ETA Motorcycle Cruises, events, Caribbean, cruise   : DEAD 

Funny Shit ! Mark Judson called him out..... and he lies

