I never give up, That's a warning.  Fuck around and find out.

For those late to the game, they must be wondering what the hell about what what some of all of this BS is about?  Well, Good question.  Much of it initially was about a lot of BS up North.  I've strayed from that as time went on. For nine years I've been watching and aware of childish antics.   Over SIX years ago, I suddenly found myself in the midst of the BS. How dare I ask about a charity's financials? So, this blog has some of the data .. the history ...  in it.   Other posts don't try and make sense of them.  When I find things' humorous (ex. Wolf Memes) I post them. Sometimes I can relate to them .. other times...   I just find them humorous. More recently COVID, ANTIFA, BLM ... you name it .. found it's way into my blog as I make fun of much of it.  

If you're here due to a court case up in MN, may take you a few days to get through this.  It did for the local police, when they were asked to intervene, from the clown up north.  The Sheriff's office here locally...   well let's just say... never mind... I blogged about it too. You might find it humorous as well.   There was nothing to be concerned about, but unfortunately their time and the taxpayers money had been wasted.  Apparently, t's far from over as we move into the next phase. When it all goes 'legit' and legal ..  I'll back off and let it all be .. until then ...  the lil narcissist continues to attack myself and friends ..  anyone...  that questions an event that to date, has a bad reputation. When I say attack ... it's borderline .. if not .. illegal the way it's done.  Goes after them via their employers.  Then usually attacks the Employers.  HROs against many are initiated, pursued.  All kinds of crazy Frivolous crap.  Lets just say .. its fucking psychotic.  Then he brags how many he's gotten fired or believes ..... he got fired.  He's actually keeping score and brags about the score.  But, he doesn't know the real score.  Like I said...  IMHO .. illegal. Eventually, the legal system is going to catch up with him and he'll be out a lot of money and/or behind bars?

So, to save you some time ... I created a timeline just for YOU.  It's the least I could do .... over fifty blog posts on a related subject.  Hell, you should have seen my phone messages over the years.  My emails over the years.  The voicemails. The posts on social media blaming myself and others. Slanderous shit over and over. All the recordings.  Blog comments;  I had to turn on 'moderation' and a lot of comments go straight to a spam/delete folder.  Crazy Shit! Be glad, you only have 50 blog posts to read ... if you dare to ....

 Click here!  >>. HISTORY


Rick said…
Oh those videos, don’t forget the videos.
RickkciR said…
They are all gone now ...'forever' ... YOU should have saved them! So says the ETA idiot
RickkciR said…
FIFTEEN MONTHS LATER ...... he's at his whiny shenanigans again ... Call 911! Call the Police! Call the Sheriff! Call .. .. someone!