How does a narcissist play you?

First of all narcissists are so delusional that they play themselves along with you. Whenever they meet a new potential source of supply interest they think this time around it will be different. This person will finally make them happy and lift their fragile self-esteem/ego for good.
They put their best foot forward and say all the right things. They act sweet, attentive, and considerate. This isn’t necessarily fake. They truly feel that you are perfect for them and that they have a real chance at a long lasting relationship with you.
The problem is that they lack the skills needed to handle a real relationship so as soon as the relationship tests them through disagreements and misunderstandings that naturally transpire, they aren’t able to navigate their negative emotions maturely. If you are paying close attention, this is the time they start to reveal their true colors.
This is when they start to play games with the source of supply. Instead of communicating their feelings directly and authentically they resort to manipulations in order to control, influence, exploit, provoke, and punish the person of interest. If they can’t play the source the way they want and the source sees right through their perverted pretenses and calls them out, they typically pull the plug and disappear in true coward fashion.
Narcissists are weak and lazy. They look for easy prey. Yes initially they believe they got lucky to have found a valuable source of supply. Someone beautiful, kind, and intelligent. However they lack the skills to keep the facade going.
It’s easier for them to walk away and go after easier pastures than to deal with someone who sees through their deceitful nature and tells them they know exactly what they are doing.
Narcissists constantly play themselves and you by repeating the same patterns over and over again hoping for different results each time. The irony is their neurotic driven need to play themselves (by devaluing you) in order to shield themselves from their true shameful characters: picture a fragile, insecure, resentful, needy, envious, hateful, petty, spiteful little kid that they know deep down they are. Truly sad and pathetic.
This disorder keeps them prisoners in their own mind. They live in a delusional altered reality. Narcissists have to play you only because they first learned how to play themselves as a coping mechanism during their defective, broken childhood. The only way to not be played by them is to get off their demented board game. Stop playing with them.
