Narcissists Tantrums

Narcissists are essentially small toddlers in adult bodies. They have never grown up emotionally. Somewhere I read that a narcissist stopped developing emotionally at the point the narcissistic injury occurred, usually somewhere in early childhood, say three to five years old.
If a narcissist is demanding something and they’re not getting it, they will do whatever is necessary to get their way. Throwing fits or tantrums is part of their repertoire and they easily slip from sweetness to beastly if things are not going their way. It would be funny if it weren’t so frightening to watch. Ignoring the behavior only makes them angrier and more determined to get their way. It’s frustrating to be around someone who must be right all the time (which makes you wrong all the time) and someone who must get what they want (which means you do not).
Do whatever you can to cut ties with this child who will NEVER grow up and find yourself a mature adult that will compromise, something that a narcissist will never do.
