How does a narcissist deal with you discarding them?

Although, it is very difficult for you as a healthy person to beat a narcissist down to his or her game by discarding them, nevertheless discarding a narcissist will lead to several awkward behaviours like:
  1. They will try to recycle their ex-friends by either sending them a letter, texting them a nice message or making some phone calls.
  2. They will be bitter at themselves for even friending you and will never give a second thought to blocking you on all social media.
  3. They will be hoping for you to come and apologize for discarding them!
  4. If point 3 happens, which sometimes might be the case, the narcissist will seek revenge by tormenting you mentally and emotionally.
  5. If they by mistake, come in contact with someone that was aware of the relationship, you will be blamed for the failure of the relationship. They will definitely lie and shift the blame on you!
But, If you are thinking of discarding a narcissist suddenly, make sure the suddenly also becomes forever if you don’t want to lose your mental wellbeing.


Rick said…
They look to their flock and hope someone attacks their enemy!