Why are narcissists angry people and liars?

Narcissists like to be known as the top dog. Whenever authority called into question or when faced with conflicting evidence they do have this nasty habit of flying off the handle which is basically their way of intimidating in order to regain control.
They never strike you as particularly happy people do they. Often the by product of over bearing or critical parents the best that they produced was never considered good enough. Brought forward to adulthood this manifests itself by way of self doubt wondering if efforts made could still be judged as inferior.
The image they prefer is one of success and for your average narc image is everything. Unable to achieve by conventional means one tends to find the reputation gained is built on nothing other than lies or deception. They tend to lie about most things in life simply because it suits them and the claims made are unlikely to have been met by any other way.
Eventually through time the house of cards comes tumbling because age has this nasty habit of lifting the rose tinted mist from our eyes alongside your average narcs inability to make deception last forever.
