If narcissists are miserable humans, why don't they want to change?

20 Answers

Narcissists are happy as long you believe that they are good people.

Are they miserable?

Narcissists have no introspection or self-reflection, fragmented self, poor emotional memory, splitting, self-deceptive and delusional thinking, flat emotions, disconnectedness, alienation from self and reality, psychosis.

Are they miserable?

Narcissists disregard anything outside themselves, their behaviors cannot be corrected, to learn is to be humble and open, but narcissists are not humble nor open, any feedback from you will be devalued and filtered, in addition to the will of the narcissist to make everything hard and do the opposite stubbornly.

Are they miserable?

The narcissist prefers to believe his fragmentedness and disconnectedness than minimally consider looking inward.

Are they miserable?

Narcissists experience self-loath, but that's what's exactly makes them abuse you and devaluate you. When narcissist gets caught or confronted, this is where shame and self-loath are triggered, it activates the devaluation, gaslighting, crazy-making, deflection, fact twisting, history re-writing and all minds of projections and name calling.

narcissists are happy as long you believe that they are good people

Are they miserable?

Narcissists have a serious problem with self- esteem, it's not under control, that's why the quality and quantity of love they have had, was always gone to waste. Basically, they regulate it by Self-exaltation in front of an audience & degradation for their victims.

Are they miserable?

Narcissists experience boredom that brings dissociation and delusional thinking to amuse themselves, Dissociation and delusional thinking bring boredom. Making them stuck in a circle of chasing delusional dreams and expectations which is exciting…

Back to the question:

If narcissists are miserable humans, why don't they want to change

Look at them jumping from one supply to another burning calories, narcissists can not introspect or self-reflect, or correct unless they stop their self Deception and show repentance.

As long as their pathology is active, feeling miserable is not recognized as misery…

For you, misery is an emotional state you experience it, and you break it down after dealing with it.

For narcissists, misery, It's an obstacle they will get over with whatever lies and Deception, don't worry about them, they hate reality and they love living in a delusional world of their made mind.

So why do they want to change?
