What is the clinical difference between a psychopath, sociopath and a narcissist?

A narcissist uses people as if they were one of their tools, like a hammer or a car. If the “tool” is useful to them, they will keep it. But once the tool loses its value, the narcissist will toss the tool or the person away with little regard. To a narcissist, a person’s value is only seen in how they help the narcissist. A narcissist will only want to help himself, not others. Now, if it puts the narcissist in a good light, he will appear to help others. Every action is a mark for himself. He often lies, manipulates, and intimidates people who are close to him. He lacks empathy while desperately needs admiration from others. He thinks extremely highly of himself.

Sociopaths are narcissistic, and more. They are impulsive, disorganized, and full of hurtful thoughts. They hurt inside for themselves, but feel nothing for others. Usually, people aren’t born sociopathic, but become a sociopath due to a childhood trauma. They find it difficult to hold steady jobs or relationships. Unlike a narcissist, a sociopath doesn’t seek approval. He doesn’t care. A narcissist cares what you think of him; a sociopath does not. While a narcissist may lie or manipulate, a sociopath will steal or be aggressive. Some sociopaths are able to form emotional bonds with one or two individuals, but these relationships are often strained. 4% of the population are sociopaths.

Psychopaths share many of the traits that sociopaths have, but their traits are more severe. Also, while the sociopath is impulsive and disorganized, the psychopath is cunning and calculated. Most psychopaths are very bright. Many hold secure high-level jobs, and have families and long-term marriages where their spouses have no clue to their disorder. Psychopaths are born psychopaths… there’s something wrong with their brain. Sociopaths hurt inside, but psychopaths feel nothing, either for themselves, or for others. They can be very charming. A psychopath is unable to form an emotional bond with anyone. 1% of the population are psychopaths.
