What does it look when a Malignant Narcissist begins to unravel?

The anger and contempt that has always been hidden right under the surface is no longer 'hidden'. The lies that they have 'denied' now become 'undisputable truths' that welcome 'confrontation'. The rages that used to be 'avoidable by agreement' are no longer 'avoidable'. The 'veiled' or 'subtle' insults, putdowns, and projections not only become openly stated but often become more taunting and boastful as in "yeah, I said/did that, so what are you going to do about it".
They often lose all 'pretense' of 'trying to get along' or 'working things out' and adopt the approach of 'my way or the highway'. Instead of trying to manipulate to 'get their way', they often resort to threats of 'what will happen' if they DON'T 'get their way'. They often assume a 'beat down' approach to whoever they perceive to be the 'cause' of their 'unraveling'.
Their behavior often becomes more erratic to the point of being a 'scary' kind of unpredictable. Their 'requests' that used to be manipulated by offering 'rewards' seem to become 'demands' manipulated by threats.
The 'gloves are off' and the 'mask' is cast aside as the concessions and behaviors that would once 'appease' them into putting the mask back on no longer work.
Past 'friends' become bitter enemies and past enemies become 'friends' and each person's 'status' with them can change without notice or noticeable 'cause'.
Everything and anything that is not in TOTAL admiration of, awe of, or fear of THEM is perceived as 'punishable' slight.
They have been 'victimized' by being prevented from 'winning' and everybody around them is usually faced with hell to pay or 'helping' them get what they want to prevent further 'unraveling'.
