What are the things that a covert narcissist can't do?

Huh ... interesting.  Remind you of anyone you know?

"Covert narcissists are like most narcissists, they are incapable of sincerity. They tend to hide their rage behind a veneer of gentleness and they tend to be incapable of rational decision making. Covert narcissists cannot learn from their failures. Covert narcissists are not able to self reflect. There is a lack of depth and superficiality replaces the more obvious drama of the overt character.

There is a clinical distinction between an overt narcissist, a covert narcissist and an inverted narcissist. The covert maintains a like-me veneer but veils a deep seated attitude of rage and insecurity. Their mask of friendliness requires a great deal of emotional energy to maintain. They are excellent at pretending to be caring, philanthropic, competent, socially adept. At home this covert narcissist tends to let out his rage at those nearest and dearest. He plays power games, never reinforcing the good but always emphasizing the negative. He shows no empathy and undermines family members, creating an atmosphere of tension and insecurity. On the outside, this narcissist appears super kind and super generous. The covert narcissist is the classic Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.

An inverted narcissist is the “please don’t notice me”, kind. Shame based and rage filled, however, the rage is directed inwardly. The inverted narcissist is terrified of showing disapproval. Showing anger leads to panic attack and overwhelming feelings of guilt. This person shies away from any type of confrontation. Emotionally damaged from early childhood, their basic motivating factor is fear. A need-fear dilemma is a clinical description of the nature of the inverted narcissist ‘s existential dilemma. Their self hatred is so profound they appear to be emotionally frozen. The inverted narcissist is the likely offspring of a covert narcissistic mother."
