Do narcissists fear rejection?


"Yes. Deeply. .......... Narcissists have limited range of emotions and that too only the negative ones. Happiness to them is gloating over the fact that they made 1 a fool and got away with it. Despite the abuse they put 1 through the ones abused still wanting them fussing over them, chasing them for answers closure. Someone making them the center of their lives putting aside everything else aside begging for attention and love from the narc.

Even I don't handle rejection well but I'll be able to think of the happy moments or the things I'm grateful for in my life and overcome the pain of rejection. But this is not possible for Narcissists because they don't experience real happiness or love. They need validation and live on it. Narcissist feel empty inside and rejections will greatly bruise their ego and would make them feel lifeless. The moment they feel that you are giving up on them moving away they will come after you again claiming to be remorseful. TIll you fall back into the same trap again. The extreme they can go to make you trust them again is astonishing. They will be the ever so guilty lover who will do anything to get you back in their life. The moment they know that you have fallen for them again the abuse begins and this time even worse. Simply put they come back to punish you. So narcissists cant deal with rejection, they have to reject you and they will go to any extreme to do so.."
