Do narcissists lie more than the average person?

 This is fucking hilarious and to the point!   

"Even though they would never admit it, narcissists were the kids in school who were always eyeing the “cool kid’s” table from wherever they were sitting in the school cafeteria.

Emotionally shallow and desperate to be liked, the narcissists wanted more than anything else to be sitting amongst the “cool kids” whom they likely both envied and despised because they perceived those in the “cool group” to be sought after, well-liked, and most important—- popular.

What the narcissists failed to understand was that in actuality whoever had decided the “cool kids” were in fact "cool" got it wrong because the "cool kids" were usually some of the most insecure people of all.

The truly "cool" people likely never paid any attention to labels and may very well have seen the “cool kids” as being merely the “fake kids.”

Due to their penchant for black and white thinking, lack of whole object relations, and emotional immaturity, the narcissists were incapable of grasping the fact just like anyone else that the “cool kids” had insecurities too.

Unfortunately, narcissists who simply can not be comfortable in their own skin will be prone modifying themselves to fit in at all costs.

The narcissist seemingly has a pathological need to accept his dysfunctional caregivers' contention that he or she is simply not good enough.

Consequently, the narcissist will morph into whatever he perceives others find appealing. Incapable of just being themselves, narcissists will lie in order to make certain they conform to what they think others will find acceptable.

Before long the narcissist has told so many lies to so many people, they will end up torpedoing themselves, and that which they most wanted to avoid ---not fitting in is exactly what takes place.

The narcissists were too shallow and worried about what everyone was thinking to realize that the “true cool kids” simply sat wherever they wanted whether it be with the "fake cools," or the narcs, or whoever was designated “the uncools” or perhaps they sat at no table because they decided that they wanted to take the day off.

Incapable of emotionally evolving and maturing, the narc child is likely to be perpetually embittered. Incapable of just being him or herself, the narcissist child will always feel disappointed. Not surprisingly the angry narc child grows into a despondent narc adult.

The narcissist will likely not have the courage and emotional grit to trust the people who have always been there for him. They will encourage the narcissist to defy his or her disabling and dysfunctional programming.

Unable to trust anyone, let alone him or herself, the narc will put more faith in relative strangers than those people who have unfailingly looked out for his interests.

Due to his counter-intuitive and counterproductive thinking, the narcissist will find an insult in a bouquet of roses and a betrayal buried within every kind gesture.

Lo and behold, the narcissist somehow invariably comes "full cycle" as he will eternally feel as if he:

•doesn't fit in

•is misunderstood

•is an outsider

•is considered weird

•can’t connect with others

The narcissist's inability to connect which is partially due to his penchant for lying leaves the narcissist perpetually feeling:






•not worthy




