oncoming civil war?

“To everyone instigating a possible civil war from all sides, let me give you a little bit of advice. Many of us served and fought in wars. When our time was done, we came back to the USA to start over and live in peace. It wasn’t us who kneeled on the neck of a man until he died. It wasn’t us who tried to retaliate by kneeling on the neck of a toddler saying “BLM NOW mf.”
You see, War is hell. Millions of you do not quite grasp this concept. We have been to hell, lived in hell, climbed out of hell, and don’t want to go back to hell. If you keep trampling on the peace we fought for, earned and love, then when that first shot gets fired, you will force us back to hell; and we will show you the brutal realities of hell.
Y’all better work this nonsense out before we do, because I guarantee you are not ready for this."
- The Veterans
