Why do narcissists seem so obsessed with "LOYALTY"?

"LOYALTY"   Bahahahaha .. now .. where have I heard that before???

"Narcissists are obsessed with one sided loyalty. They expect everyone, especially the ones closest to them to bend over backwards for them, while they give little to nothing in return.

Don’t feel jealous or envious for someone who is in a relationship or married to a narcissist. This person is the most loyal to the narcissist, but is being treated badly by them on a regular basis. They are their personal slave. They sacrifice everything for them, do as they say, and cater to their every demand. They are willing to accept their behaviours, defend them, enable them, and look the other way when they cheat, lie, or just get away with being overall crap people of society. They are their doormat. Someone that pays their way in life, gives them a free place to stay, lets them drive around in their vehicle, gives them money, pays for their addictions and toxic habits, or just be an easy target to use, abuse, and treat like garbage. They will treat everyone else around them, especially acquaintances, friends, and men/women they want to have sex with, or random people like they are supreme, golden, unique and beautiful. They will be charming, funny, complimentive, and engaging to everyone they come across, fooling everyone they meet. The ones that are the most loyal to them end up seeing the worst side of them, their true-self. Once you have started to become devalued, they will never go back to love-bombing their loyal members because they don’t have to. No effort needs to be made on their end, because they know this person will be there no matter what. Once they have someone locked in place that puts up with everything and never talks back; this is their favourite source of supply, and what they consider to be prime loyalty. Meanwhile the person that is the most loyal to them is undeserving of their ruthless mistreatment and getting their life destroyed in the process for being nothing but kind to them, while the narcissist goes on to manipulate and deceive others with their fake charisma and fraudulent identity.

The narcissist is obsessed with loyalty, especially people being loyal to them because it gives them a feeling of power, superiority, and entitlement knowing that they have endless options of people willing to be at their beck and call whenever they want, and how they want it. It gives them thrill and excitement knowing they have full control of another person, and that they are willing to do anything for them. They secure their victims with intermittent reinforcement by stringing each one along with tiny breadcrumbs, ensuring they don’t abandon them until they have enough supply lined up. When they get bored, even of their most loyal ones, they will discard them at any given time because they know that they will always be there while they go and explore exciting new adventures, and sleep around with whoever they please. The ones that are the most loyal are the ones that usually chase after the narcissist, begging for another chance to make things right, even when they did nothing wrong at all, except love them, support them and try to help them.

The ones who are the most loyal to the narcissist are usually the most empathetic people. They hunt and prey on these types of people the most because empaths are the ones who are willing to forgive and see the best in everyone. When the narcissist becomes cruel, mean, and starts to escalate their abusive behaviour, their target will be making excuses for them and trying to fix things without adding any salt to the wound. They don’t want to fight or argue out of fear of the punishment such as getting the silent treatment, ghosted, getting blocked, discarded, or just put down incessantly, so they stay quiet and don’t dare say anything to avoid another outburst. Their most loyal members have already been groomed to be trauma bonded to the narcissist and have already proven themselves to be worthy of multiple rounds of abuse because the person keeps allowing it. This person has already learned the consequences of what will happen if they stand up for themselves, so they stay silent and never confront them about them cheating, flirting with others in front of them, stealing their money, abusing them, taking them for granted and just treating them like absolute shit because they are scared of losing them.

Their most loyal members have also been manipulated to feel sorry for the narcissist. They were told about what an abusive childhood they had, or how horribly they were treated in past relationships, and so they want to help them, love them and fix all their pains and cure all their worries. They excuse their behaviour when they become emotionally or physically abusive because they feel bad about the narcissists upbringing. The narcissist knows that they are incapable of loving, and being loyal the same way it’s being given to them, but their intentions are always selfishly motivated so they will keep anyone around for as long as they can that is willing to be the puppet on their strings.

Their version of loyalty is a game of give and take. They will take anything you can give, for as long as you can give it, until someone else comes along and does it better than you and then in a blink of an eye it’s Goodbye. So long. Farewell."

“Loyalty and respect works both ways. If they don’t return it, they don’t deserve it.”
