How do “flying monkeys” benefit from their relationships with narcissists?

Or .. as I call them ... SHEEP!!!


"If by “Flying Monkeys” you mean people who support the person with NPD’s actions and may join in by gossiping about and even persecuting the Narcissist’s target; there are varied reasons why people do this. Not all of them involve benefits. Here are some common ones that I have encountered:

  • They are naive and simply believe what they are being told.
  • They are afraid of the Narcissist and do not want to get on the person’s bad side.
  • They idealize the Narcissist and it makes them feel important to act as his or her minion and confidante.
  • They like to gossip.
  • They are caught up in a mob mentality and are the type that in the Dark Ages, lit torches and marched on someone’s home yelling, “Burn the Witch!”
  • They are not confrontive, so they appear to be supporting the Narcissist, even when they disagree."
