What are primary weaknesses of narcissists?


  • A narcissist's biggest weaknesses concern his or her inability to be emotionally self sufficient which results in hiding vulnerability, an over reliance on attention, and inability to be without a significant other.
    • Narcissists spend an inordinate amount of time trying to present as calm, cool, and collected..
    • Their “chillaxed” exterior belies their internal landscape that is emotionally charged and anxiety ridden.
    • Due to their feigned nonchalance,it may appear that narcissists always "land on their feet."
    • Additionally, due the fact narcissist go from one narcissist/NT relationship to another with no break in between relationships, may make it appear that narcissist is carefree and in control. Nothing could be further from the truth.
    • Narcissists’ penchant for playing "relationship musical chairs," has more to do with what they must do to psychologically survive.
    • They are totally dependent on the affirmation and validation of others — without attention they crumble. This is why it is supremely ironic that one of their “go to” insults is “you are weak!”
