
 BAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHA... I'm starting to think the dipshit is starting to believe his own BS.

Got a text this morning  ...

person: "You're still on his mind lol..... he mentions you about the 7 minute mark"

Me:  "Now I have to check..lol    Uninvited...LMAO"

person: "Maybe if you straighten your act up 😂"

Me: "Bahahahaha"

Funny .. read some comments from one of the attendees yesterday ....   

"Guessing 80-90 bikes here, Thur night, from all over the country. Everyone got the promised patches & custom shirts tonight. The two celebs were there chatting with anyone.
One food/drink vendor, they were working hard & doing a good job.
Only two vendors on-site selling products. Lots of merchandise (shirts, patches, posters, etc) for sale offered by the organizer.
Yeah a smaller venue than planned.
Much smaller. "

MUCH SMALLER ....  whoops. As usual, no real vendors like one would expect at a Rally.  Later he mentions no music as promised... whoooops.  No factory tours; claims they are closed as if they'd offer it up to him anyways .. whoops!  Tomorrow, they will all see what they signed up for.  He hasn't done ANY of the required paperwork that Guinness requires after the '17 fiasco.  What a farce .. .or should I have said.. scam?

Uninvited.. yeah .. that's why .... BAHAHAHAAHAHAHA



Rick said…
He could’ve paid our way. Gave us free shirts. We still wouldn’t have showed up. Uninvited!
We’ll I guess the shirts wouldn’t have been bad. I need some kindling!
RickkciR said…
He is still using the UNINVITED line. And the idiot still thinks we shadowed the event locally. You can't fix....the SCAM!