I'm Famous

 Heard it was pathetic so I forced myself to hit <play>.

Took a few notes..   I could do an entire post about the 23 minutes I'll never get back wasted on the whining and blaming.  The manipulation of facts.  Of timelines.  I guess for the sheep, they probably went through a box of tissues.  

On a positive note....  I'm looking pretty good.  Guessing that was around 2016 time frame...   the guy doing all the bashing?  Looking like a cancer patient eating donuts 24/7?  Not so much.


RickkciR said…
Funny part is .... and found this in my spam filter... tells me I still haunt his dreams and live in his head for free. Gotta feel sorry for the guy .. .I'll give him that.
Anonymous said…
It is wild, that he lies so often he can't keep the lies straight. His "Mom" fired him. It had nothing to do with anything. Other than the bad publicity he brought to the dealership. Trys suing a gal he was cheating on his wife with, gets hit with Domestic with his wife. Then smacks an employee he was cheating on his wife with. Yes Art. We all saw your edited video when you showed us it. Guy is nuts.