WTF Johnny!?!?!?!!?

Weird.  Didn't realize this was from like.. 3 mos ago?  It was started by someone from MN.  Now, THEY have NOT contributed as I write this, but apparently expect everyone else to.   BUT, what bothers me ... isn't the purpose of it.  Well, actually the 'purpose' does.  Shouldn't the purpose of this fundraiser be to HELP the daily financial lives of the individuals from across the pond?  If they are actually having financial issues due to health reasons... shouldn't the $ go to truly help them? 

Just thinking out loud ........


original post:

Let them chime in and MF a dealer in the US for not being.... ummm... I don't' know .. whatever.   Then, turn around and do a GO FUND ME, to come to the US on "HOLIDAY"  to give the same dealer the finger?  You're fucking kidding me right?!?!?!!?

Sorry .. I've NEVER been a fan of these gofundmes'.. event though I've given a few times over the last decade.   But .. you have got to be kidding me?!??!!@?
