"Women's Indian World Record Breaking Attempt 2024"

Five weeks to go .   Less than 80 signed up.  Now, statically as I've always said...   5 or 10% were never going to actually show.  Human Nature. Then another 10% .. life gets in the way.   And in the big picture, most don't actually give a shit about a record.  And, this the latest fiasco isn't a Guinness record anyways...    Like I said in the beginning .... if there is no existing Guinness Record, and ten people show up of a specific sex or race and you 'SET A RECORD' ... anything would have set it?  JS.  Back to my main point.  So, if 100 actually sign up and throw money at it... 75 or 80 actually show?   Who the f' cares about the numbers?

Now.. why am I even posting this?  Because I just noticed "#250"  Sorry ... that's just funny shit.   Reminds me of the "3500!!!" ridiculous number awhile back.   Been there for years, but never really gave it all a second thought.  Finally .. " breaking a record no one else can in 2024 "  what record specifically?  In 2025 will the motto be "failed in '24 but we can have a campfire and drink firewater and complain in '25' be the new logo?

Honestly ...  I don't care.  It's just friggin' hilarious that some are obsessed with this record crap.  In 2019, HD about doubled the previous record from a decade earlier, and Indian's was set at 651 (which was pretty impressive to see/participate).  Lot of bikes, but ... .drop in the bucket compared to HD.

Damned it .... just wasted another ten minutes of my time.  Thought to myself .. when did that 3500 crap go away?  I know 2020 that was all the rage.  Then in '21  "501 and we're going to beat my area code!" ... yeah.. .was there even 300 that year?  LMAO    Hmmmm.. '21 ... yep ..that's apparently when the #250!!  BS began I see now.  But ...remember 2022 .. TWO WORLD RECORD ATTEMPTS!!    Nope..... false alarm suckers ;)  Or just a flat out lie?  But if it was a Lie, then wasn't it a Scam? Crap, here we go again

Okay .... twenty minutes of my day's time wasted.  Two minutes of your time reading this crap.  But now ....   you'll be pondering ... WTF?  Is there a trend here?  LOL


RickkciR said…
LMAO ... 250!!!! Wait... only 80 registered. So that's like 50-75 that will actually show up!!!

80.... haha Again, why do I think it's hilarious?

"Women's Indian World Record Breaking Attempt 2024
Private group 886 members"
RickkciR said…
"Join us at INDIAN BIKE WEEK in 2024 for more Record breaking across the globe!"

"41 women of 250 are now registered for a new world record attempt in 2024"

"In 2024 there WILL BE a woman's ride AFTER the World Record Ride.
1st one ever at Indian Bike Week."

"Should we attempt a Guinness World Record in 2025? All inclusive?"

"74 women have registered ✊️
35 more needed to break a world record.

Wait.... does this sound like a SCAM?