It's a New Era ....

............  late last year I mentioned to more than a few ...  this country had seen it's best days and may ... be going over a cliff it may never recover from.  Thank God the Majority woke up this time around.  I'm guessing they were awake last go around, but when the election was stolen (yes..   anybody with a brain knows it was), they were too chicken shit to stand up and be heard.  Hell, hard to blame them after the 6 January fiasco?  Next week, much of this goes into the rear view mirror and we move forward.  Sadly, the administration in charge as of today continues to fuck over this country with decision after decision, speech after speech, daily it seems.  Four or five days from now ...  we pick up the scraps and press forward.  Can't happen soon enough

The woke are quieting down.  The whackos' have lost their voices.  The DEI craziness is on the way out.

Thank God ....   js
