Ante' Up - my Opinion Piece for the Blog

Historically, I've posted nothing but facts.  Today I waiver from that path and post my opinion, since shArt is spiraling out of control as his failing event date approaches.

Had a close friend this morning send me a screen shot followed by " would beat the holy fuck out of him for making that last post. I don’t know how you hold back at times and haven’t already"

It's simple Brother.  I've beat the fuck out of people a lot bigger than him over the years.  Bigger than myself over the years.  Definitely taller (now that's funny!).  I could have beat the fuck out of him anytime I wanted or want to in the future.  Everyone that knows me, knows I can.  Problem is,, the Judge would be shaking their head over why I put in him in a wheelchair for life.  The Judge would look at me, then over at some lil fat slob, as he's drooling while strapped into it; it wouldn't go over well.  Then the paraplegic would con some sheep fuck into giving him money (an investment!)  for a lawyer and a civil suit.  Then I'd have to waste my hard earned money fighting it.  See, I actually earn my money.  I think he's conned his out of people his entire fucking life. He's probably never bought a house himself.   Had a mortgage himself.  Had a vehicle himself (?).  He conned a woman decades older than him to most likely fund it all. Had it all in a business that was bleeding green dollars down the drain.  He has NOTHING to show for it; he recently attempted to file for bankruptcy and now may face charges over having lied on the paperwork.  His days are numbered and he's imploding on Social Media to hide all the facts.
So, many feel sorry for him. Many actually hate him over the years for how he's acted.  He's a wife beater.  Woman beater.  Court documents validate that fact  Of course, no police reports for being in a scuffle with any males.. JUST .. females.   And he's broke.  Me, I've never hit a woman in my life.  I retired 20 years ago from the military and could do a full retirement anytime I want.  It's what most of us do.  Work hard for our money and eventually retire.  He on the other had pissed it all away and is living in someone else's basement with a woman who is most likely living in fear every day of her life wondering what the fuck he''s going to do next.  I've heard rumors upon rumors of citizenship issues with the wife. About her parent's citizenship. If true, he's most likely using it to his advantage. It's what I'm told, but I don't know that for a fact. So it's just a guess. An educated guess.  I've even heard questions about HIS parents citizenship.  That would explain his phobia about border walls and claiming anything and everything is racist.

So for now, he's selling items off piece by piece that were paid for by folks giving to a charity, probably pocketing the funds to pay for burritos with 'fake'  tortilla shells.  I don't care whom you are, that's funny shit knowing the BS he used to spew. Now he hides behind a keyboard; a REAL Keyboard Warrior.   I know because he'll be hiding from me in two weeks convinced I'm out trying to track him down like the lil' paranoid bitch that he is.  

Now, if he was half a man he'd take some Sheep advice that was given by a sheep on one of his pages.  "Settle it like men."  I'm game.  Lets meet up and settle it face to face.  But, before we do I'll have to have my lawyer draw up some documents for both of us to sign.  I want to make sure before I potentially fuck him up for life, it's all legal and it's just two guys having a lil' fun.  Sort of like a backyard MMA fight?  If it's all legal, them I'm in.  He won't.  He'll spin what I just wrote..  I'm guessing he's NEVER been a fight in his entire life with anyone but females.  He's spent decades calling the Police and using the court system out of fear to hide from actual confrontation.  I've seen the proof of that.  Continues to do so.

Instead ... he'll be hiding behind false police reports  .... false statements .. .a layer of sheep ...   acting like the Bitch we all know he is.  After he reads this he'll go crazy for a few days or weeks spewing how he's in my head. No, lil Bitch .. I'm in yours.   Been since 2011.   I know this because I've received more calls and texts from this lil fuck over 8 years than everyone else combined (wrap  your head around that one).   Problem is, I'm the main one exposing him out for what he is and he has nothing on me.  NOTHING.  So he makes up lies.  Calls me a racist.  Calls me fat (have you seen him and/or his parents? smh).  Goes on and on and on.....  because, he can't discuss the truth.  If he could we'd actually be reading about it?

Truth is ... has pretty much has nothing on anyone to manipulate them.  That's why this new "What Happened...." FB page he created a few weeks ago is simply a staging area for attacks.  There is nothing but incompetence on his part, that explains the failed businesses and his life going down the tubes.   Everyone is still waiting for the facts.  Where are they .. on a different hard drive the Police have or that you lost and sitting in someone's garage?  

Just the facts, ma'am.”    or in this case .... Bitch
